Start Planting a Biointensive Future for Your Garden!

Ecology Action
5798 Ridgewood Road
Willits, CA 95490

Please donate $40 to our 40th Anniversary Fundraiser about_memberships.html

Only 11 cents a day can make a world of difference
in creating a sustainable future for millions of people around the world!

Take a tour or join a workshop!
• Take a garden tour or join a workshop at Ecology Action:
EA calendar of events

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clicking here.



Talk to Us!

Please be aware that summer is a busy time for us in the garden.  During the main growing season messages that may be urgent should be directed through telephone phone or mail.

During the winter we catch up on our messages. Your thoughts and questions are important to us and we'll do our best to respond as soon as we are able. Thank you for your understanding.

If it is pertinent to your request please include your country, state, and/or region.

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